Thursday, June 5, 2008

In the Valley - Day IX

Jodie answered the door; it was Rob.
"Where the hell have you been? I've alone all day thanks to you."
Rob lifted his left arm and pointed at the sky above their heads.
"Let's go."
Silently, they entered the house and packed their belongings; they had been prepared for this, but had never thought the day would actually arrive. Jodie began weeping, the tears dripping off the end of her nose onto the clothes the was packing away in the suitcase that she never wanted to use. Rob stood behind her and solemnly held her shoulders, offering silent comfort.
"When?" She sobbed, turning to him.
"About an hour ago. They took Chris first, I don't know if he's still..." Rob's voice hitched and the end of his sentence was never said. The unspoken few words he had choked on were noted by his subconscious and filed away for future reference.
"Are you sure it's time?" She already knew the answer.
He already knew that she knew the answer. He didn't answer.
Instead, he picked up his suitcase and slung it out onto the lawn. Jodie did the same with hers, and together they began pushing their furniture into the dank air outside. Their sweat beaded on their brows, mixed with their tears, and fell to mingle with the dew forming in the late hours of the night.
Once they had made their house an empty shell; a body with no organs, a mummy, they stood in the kitchen holding hands. Rob looked out the window.
"Not much time now." His face displayed his exhaustion; he had been awake since dawn the previous day.
Jodie nodded, and pulled her hand from his. She stepped to the pantry and pulled the lever concealed behind the box of month-old Cheerios.
As their house lifted silently into the sky Rob walked to the front door and beckoned Jodie to his side. They stood parallel and watched their possessions grow small in the distance.
They kiss.

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